GitHub Pages CNAME File

This took me too long to figure out.

I was unable to get my custom domain working with GitHub Pages; whenever I attempted to go to my site via the custom domain I would get a GitHub Pages 404.

Turns out I had saved my CNAME file as unicode and there was a byte order mark at the beginning. Re-saving it as as an ANSI file and waiting ~15 minutes for GitHub to pick up the change did the trick.

It also may be that:

  1. You must have a newline at the end of the domain name at the end of the CNAME file.
  2. You must change the CNAME as an actual commit vs. just force pushing an entire history like the DocPad ghpages plugin does.

I can't be sure about either one of those as I did them at the same time and it's possible that GitHub coincidentally updated itself at the same time, if you continue to have trouble it may be worth giving that a shot.

It probably would have saved me some time if I had actually paid attention to the emails from the GitHub Pages builder with the "Bad CNAME format" warning in them...